Digital Enterprise Developer

The development platform for Multimedia and Workflows


Digital Enterprise Developer (previously ST&C Sumatra Developer) is a powerful software development system for the creation and development of multimedia applications, Web Based Training (WBT), polls, test or quizzes and many more.


The development environment is integrated with the Developer Teamserver, to enable the collaborated development by multiple developers with different roles on the same software project. The server manages all project information and media within a version management system.


Several tools are available for the application development, that allow to author pages without knowledge about programming. Resulting applications may be based on Java or HTML/Javascript. For programming in Developer a Java-like language is integrated, which is the same for any target environment.


In combination with the newest version of the Digital Enterprise Platform you can create workflows inside Developer that can be directly "deployed". This allows to control processes in the Content Management System, i.E. if a member of a group should be informed that a document has been changed or was added.

e-Learning Development

With Developer X you can create easily interactive eLearning content. The development can be realized with Java or HTML. The created eLearning content can be supplied via any SCORM. compatible LMS (i.E. Digital Enterprise LMS).

Digital Enterprise is a produkt of the Digital Investments AG.